მთავარი » 2013 » მარტი » 2 » ►Because Vampires are Badass!!
7:13 PM
►Because Vampires are Badass!!

Love Is The Vampire's Greatest Weakness Elijah ..

But We Aren't Week .. " 
" You want a love that consumes you .. 
.. You want passion and adventure .. 
and even a little danger .. " 
" The worst feeling , is the moment .. 
you realize that you've 
lost yourself .. " 
" The smart and kind Salvatore brothers both coming to my rescue .. 
How will I ever choose? .. " 
" you won't be sad forever , Elena .. " 
" Turn it off .. Just Turn it off .. 
and everything will go away .. just turn it off .. " 
" It's okay to love them both ..
I did .. " 
" Do you still love Stefan?
Yes .. 
.. Are you still in love with Stefan? ..
" I was supposed to grow up .. 
.. decide if I want to have kids and .. 
.. start a family .. 
.. Grow old .. I was supposed to have a lifetime of those choices and .. 
.. Now? That's all gone .. 

.. I don't want to be a vampire .. 

.. I never wanted to be one .. "

თუ გინდათ რომ გავაგრძელო , ამ სიახლეს 5 კომენტარი ჰქონდეს <3 
იმედია მოგეწონათ ბევრი ვიწვალე.

კატეგორია: სურათები/ანიმაციები | ნანახია: 888 | დაამატა: BitchyBekah | რეიტინგი: 5.0/2
სულ კომენტარები: 3

(2013-03-03 8:04 PM)
* 3 BitchyBekah   [Entry]
Shemdegs vdeb da Katie-s vudzgvnii <3